In today's digital age, finding love and companionship has never been easier, thanks to the proliferation of dating apps. And for the LGBTQ+ community, these apps have proven to be invaluable tools for connecting with like-minded individuals. Lesbian and queer dating apps, in particular, have provided a safe and inclusive space for women to meet and build meaningful relationships. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right app for your needs. That's why we've compiled a list of the 8 best lesbian and queer dating apps for 2022.

Are you ready to find your perfect match in 2022? Look no further than the latest and greatest dating apps designed specifically for lesbian and queer individuals. These apps are revolutionizing the way LGBTQ+ folks connect and build meaningful relationships. Say goodbye to swiping through endless profiles and hello to a more tailored and inclusive dating experience. Check out the top options for 2022 here and get ready to find love in the new year!


One of the most popular lesbian and queer dating apps on the market, Her is designed specifically for LGBTQ+ women. With a user-friendly interface and a strong emphasis on community building, Her offers a range of features to help users connect with potential matches. From messaging and event organizing to news and culture content, Her is more than just a dating app – it's a platform for women to come together and support each other.

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Scissr is a cutting-edge dating app designed for lesbians, bisexual, and queer women. With a focus on inclusivity and diversity, Scissr aims to create a welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. The app utilizes a location-based feature to help users find potential matches in their area, making it easier to connect with nearby women who share similar interests and values.

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Fem is a unique dating app that puts the power in the hands of women. Unlike traditional dating apps, Fem allows users to create video profiles, adding a personal touch to the matchmaking process. This innovative feature helps users get a better sense of potential matches before deciding to connect, making it easier to find someone who truly resonates with them.

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Taimi is a multifaceted app that offers a range of features for LGBTQ+ individuals, including dating, social networking, and advocacy. With a strong commitment to inclusivity and safety, Taimi provides a secure platform for women to connect, chat, and build relationships. In addition to traditional dating features, Taimi also offers resources and support for LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy, making it a valuable tool for those who want to engage with the community on a deeper level.


Lex is a unique dating app that focuses on personal connections and meaningful conversations. Unlike other apps that prioritize photos and swiping, Lex encourages users to engage in thoughtful discussions and get to know each other on a deeper level. This approach is particularly appealing for women who value emotional connection and intellectual compatibility in their relationships.


Wapa is a popular lesbian dating app with a strong emphasis on privacy and security. The app allows users to share photos and videos with potential matches, as well as engage in private conversations without the fear of their personal information being compromised. With a user-friendly interface and a range of communication tools, Wapa is a great option for women who prioritize safety and discretion in their online dating experience.


Lesly is a dynamic and inclusive dating app designed for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women. With a focus on creating a supportive and welcoming community, Lesly offers a range of features to help users connect with potential matches. From swiping and matching to group chats and community events, Lesly provides a range of tools for women to meet and build relationships with like-minded individuals.


Zoe is a popular dating app for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women that emphasizes authenticity and meaningful connections. The app utilizes a unique algorithm to match users based on their interests, values, and relationship goals, making it easier to find compatible matches. Zoe also offers a range of communication tools, including video profiles and icebreaker questions, to help users break the ice and start meaningful conversations.

In conclusion

Lesbian and queer dating apps have revolutionized the way LGBTQ+ women connect and build relationships. With a range of innovative features and a strong emphasis on inclusivity and community, these apps provide a valuable platform for women to meet like-minded individuals and find meaningful connections. Whether you're looking for love, friendship, or community support, there's a dating app out there to meet your needs. So why not give one of these 8 best lesbian and queer dating apps a try in 2022? Who knows, you might just find the woman of your dreams right at your fingertips.